
Naomi's Gift

A Novella
Amy Clipston
2011 (releasing September)

CBR Review:
Naomi King finds herself really interested in the little girl who shows up in her mom's quilting booth at the flea market.  This little girl seems drawn to the quilts and shares with Naomi that her mother was supposed to teach her how to quilt, but she had died.  Naomi can see the young girl is grieving and missing her mother, and the little girl's father also has eyes that mirror that same hurt.  However Naomi is treading carefully, after seemingly throwing herself at two young eligible bachelors in her community, she has been heartbroken and shamed.  She does not want to be seen as chasing all the men she meets. 
Caleb, has brought his little girl to his home town, Bird-in-Hand Pennsylvania for Christmas.  He knows that spending time with their family will be exactly what he and his daughter need to help them in their grieving process.  Will moving home to be near his family help them even further.  His attraction to the young woman who has caught his daughter's attention, nudges him towards making that decision.
A short novella that has a wonderful story, you will enjoy this Christmas tale.  Amy Clipston truly has a great gift with her writing, I am so glad that she shares that gift with us through her books.  I give this novella a 4 star rating.  192 pages long, this book will be available in September 2011

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