
The Great Eight

The Great Eight How to be Happy
(even when you have every reason to be miserable)
Scott Hamilton with Ken Baker
Thomas Nelson
Non-Fiction/Self-Help/Personal Growth/Happiness

Reviewed by Cindy Loven

The Great Eight is a book of a journey, a journey to happiness, but ultimately a journey to God, the Almighty Coach as Scott calls Him. A sickly child, to the point of death, not growing and developing, in and out of hospitals, with no diagnosis, and sent home to just be, Scott was re-introduced to skating, and it became a 'cure' for his illnesses.
This book will take you through Scott's life as he searches for the right coaches in his career, as he searches for answers to his problems and as he battles illnesses and as he finds happiness. It is a journey of life that Scott takes, bringing him to the conclusion that happiness is unique to you, that nothing can match the happiness of doing something you love. Also you will find out that coincidences are just God scheduled opportunities, and learning to accept that will brighten your outlook and infuse you with a greater sense or purpose, direction and confidence.
This was a wonderful story of Scott's life and discovery, I did find it a bit confusing, in how he often jumped from his early years of training, to his later years of illnesses, but all in all it was a great book and I give it a 4 star rating. 183 pages $24.99 US

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