
Coming Unglued (Review)

Coming Unglued
Rebeca Seitz
B&H Publishing Group

Reviewed by Cindy Loven

The sisters are together again, Tandy has moved home and along with her sisters they have started a business, Sisters Ink. All four sisters, Tandy, Kendra, Joy and Meg are partners in the business, with Kendra and Tandy operating the business.
Life is chaotic as usual when the sisters are together, Tandy is planning a wedding, Meg is busy as ever with her children, Joy is anxiously trying to have a baby and Kendra is in deep trouble. Kendra knows it is wrong, but the side of her that tells her she is just like her birth mom, tells her she does not deserve a wonderful man like Darin, whom she has been dating for four months, instead it tells her she only deserves the married man who is pursuing her. Kendra knows this is wrong, but the attraction is deep, and she is in over her head. The sisters recognize Kendra's pattern and try to help, as sisters do. Follow along as Kendra solves her problems, while creating even more at times.
Rebeca has given us another wonderful book, and I am just in love with this author and this series of books. I love how she is really bringing in the faith these sisters have been brought up to have. This book and this publisher have combined to bring us reading that is clean and really wonderful fiction. I highly recommend these books, and give this book a 5 star rating. 312 pages $14.99 US

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