
Tomorrow's Garden

Texas Dreams
Book 3
Amanda Cabot
Fiction/Historical Romance

Reviewed by Cindy Loven

Harriet Kirk has many fears, fears that control her life.  She fears house fires, she fears having her younger brothers and sisters being taken from her, she fears scandal, she is just afraid of so many things, including love.  No one will ever want to marry her, she has too much baggage.  She hopes a move from Fortune, the small town they grew up in, to a larger town Ladreville, will change things in her life.  She will get away from the dreadful Thomas who wants to marry her, but doesn't love her.  She will get her brother Jake away from the horrible influences that seem to be leading him astray. 
However her plans seem to be falling apart in front of her, if anything Jake is worse than before, committing serious acts of vandalism, another man has his sites set on marrying her, and Thomas has shown up again demanding she marry him, and give him the fortune he believes she has.  He will not stop until he has that money, even though there is no money, so now he decides she must pay! 
A book filled with drama, excitement and redemption.  New friends show Harriet that she does not always have to look like a mouse, with dreadful clothes, that she doesn't have to be strong all the time, and that she can find love.  I enjoyed this book, it was filled with action and you could feel the emotion of the characters.  384 pages US $14.99 4 stars.
This book was provided for review purposes only by Revell, no payment was received for this review.
Available April 2011 from your favorite seller of Revell Books, a division of Baker House Publishing.

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