
Interview with Julie Cave, author of Deadly Disclosures

Hi Julie, thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions for my readers. Tell us a bit about yourself?

I grew up in a small town in eastern Australia. My two greatest passions as I grew up were books and sport. I read as much as I could, and my favourites were Enid Blyton’s Famous Five and Secret Seven series, and C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia. I started writing as a natural extension of reading and eventually started writing longer stories. I wrote my first novel-length when I was twelve and spent the rest of my teens and early twenties practicing. In the meantime, I obtained a university degree in health science, worked in banking and finance and then started a law degree.

I re-dedicated my life to Jesus in my mid-twenties and wanted to find a way to combine my passion for writing with my faith. I particularly wanted to write about social issues within a Christian context. I talked to a friend of mine about it at a church camp a few years ago and he said: “What if the guy in charge of the Smithsonian went missing?”

Deadly Disclosures is the result of that conversation! I am married with an eighteen month old daughter and we live in Brisbane, on the east coast of Australia.

Your new book Deadly Disclosures just recently was released, tell us what led you to write about the political climate in America?

Funnily enough, I didn’t intend to write about the political climate! I began the book with a view to talk about atheism and evolution in a Christian context. As I wrote it, I watched a documentary by Ben Stein, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. I realised that the plot I had formulated wasn’t far-fetched at all. That documentary inspired me to dig a little deeper into the interwoven intricacies of academia, science, the media and politics.

Have you had any fallout from how accurately this book portrays American politics?

Not yet! The book has only been newly released but it will be interesting to see if there is a reaction. I am by no means an expert in American politics, but I have a keen interest in it. In particular, I think it’s important for Christians to realise that we do face hostility, and it can come from very influential people, including politicians.

Deadly Disclosures is book one in a triology, when can my readers look for the other books to be released?

The second book is due to be released in about October and deals with the topics of eugenics and euthanasia.
The third book will be released at about this time next year and deals with secular humanism.
Both will be Dinah Harris mysteries and readers will be able to follow Dinah’s journey.

Besides the triology are you working on any other projects you can share with my readers?

My greatest other project is taking care of my daughter, who is a very active toddler and demands a lot of my attention! I am also actively involved in my church. I have lots of ideas for future projects though that I’d love to work on in my spare time.

Any last thoughts you would like to share?

You can visit my website at www.juliecave.com to read my blog, catch sneak peeks of upcoming releases, learn more about how the characters and storylines are developed and find out a bit more about me!

You can also follow me at www.facebook.com/julieacave and www.twitter.com/julieacave

1 comment:

  1. I am exhilarated to learn that Enid Blyton's books such as The Famous Five and The Secret Sevwen series. I am also gladdened to learn that you want to write a book. The experience of writing a book, though quite painful, is very rewarding. I first tried to write a novel, having been inspired by Enid Blyton's books. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful at publishing it. However, later, I instead decided to write and publish a book on Enid Blyton, titled, The Famous Five: A Personal Anecdotage (www.bbotw.com).
    Stephen Isabirye
