
Interview with Gail Sattler, author of The Narrow Path

Hi Gail, welcome to Cindy's Reviews, tell my readers a bit about yourself.

I've been writing about 13 or 14 years, and I've written over 30 books, if you count a couple of cookbooks in that. I've written for Barbour, Heartsong Presents, Steeple Hill/Love Inspired, and now Abingdon. This is novellas, short novels, and now a longer novel which is going to be released in May.

 Tell us a bit about your new book, that I will be reviewing tomorrow on my blog, The Narrow Path.
It's a contemporary fiction, the hero of the story is an Old Order Mennonite who lives in a community that is evolving to a degree - they are not a horse-and-buggy community, but they do shun technology by keeping it to a minimum in order to live and do business in the world around them. The heroine is a modern Mennonite who lives in the big city of Seattle. For the story, she moves to the Old Order community, where she does her best to fit in, but it's very foreign to her. To make it worse, she is assigned to work with a man her age who values his tradition and way of life, and doesn't think much of people from "the cities", which is her. I think that the book trailer tells a better summary of the book than I can give here - check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qtoa-N1dTfM

 I noticed in reading your author information that your a member of a Mennonite Brethren congregation, is this why you have chosen to write about the Old Order Mennonites?
Yes. In past years the first Mennonite Brethren church where I had my membership was very conservative - remember this is in a big city, not a small town. The Mennonite Brethren church I now attend is a church plant from the original church, and while we are completely in the modern age, there are many people who have lived with the Old Order ways. It's fascinating, and has so many good basic values that I wanted to write a story about living in such a community

 What are you working on now, that the readers can look forward to reading?
I'm working on a few projects, but for now, it's a secret. Readers will have to check out my web page at www.gailsattler.com for updates.

  Any last thoughts,  also where online can we find out more about you, and your books?
Always on my website at www.gailsattler.com - and there is a specific link for The Narrow Path with a preview of the first 3 chapters and a few other goodies to look at.
I also started a blog at www.gailsattler.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. greetings from the Amish community of Lebanon,Pa. Richard from Amish Stories.
