
Dug Down Deep

Unearthing What I Believe and Why it Matters
Joshua Harris
Non-Fiction/Christian Living

Reviewed by Cindy Loven

Have you ever sat down and thought about what you believe, why you believe it?  Joshua Harris, author of  I Kissed Dating Goodbye did, and has written a book about that journey of discovering the purpose and source of his foundation. 
Do words like doctrine, theology, propitiation, justification, omnipresent make your head hurt?  Do terms like sovereignity of God, doctrine of Scripture make you think you stumbled into a Bible College?  What do you do about it all?  Well you can do like Joshua Harris did and begin to dig, or as the title of the book suggests you dig down deep.  Find your foundation, is it built on the rock or on the sand?
Joshua saw the need in his life to understand what he believed and why, and pursued that, beginning first with a mentor,  C.J. Mahaney, a pastor in Maryland.  He put himself under the pastor't tutelage, and began extensive reading assigned to him by C. J.  Thus began his journey of digging down deep.
Dug Down Deep, is not a book you will want to miss, filled with great gospel truths, and stories of personal experiences Joshua Harris shares his discoveries and journey.  Things he shared that just make you sit there and ponder, realizing that you had never seen it that way.  Most definitely a book for your personal library.  240 pages US $19.99 4 stars.  

This book is available from Waterbrook/Multnomah

This was book was provided for review by WaterBrook Multnomah.

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